ReFresh Experience is a COLLECTIVE outpouring of service, tools, rituals and practices that elevates your awareness, feeds your soul, expands your mind, attunes to your body; focusing on pure joy in your life. Our experts are available to come speak to your group!
For those that may find themselves out of balance, stuck or seeking clarity about a meaningful decision, The ReFRESH Experience is here for you! Helen Mitchell, CMP, MA embarked upon a remarkable journey of soul-centered growth and healing. Others have witnessed the transformation and she enjoys sharing the tools and their benefits.
Led by ReFresh Spiritual Psychologist Helen Mitchell, CMP, MA, our workshops focus on applying your body, mind, and soul to every facet of your life, work, and relationships. A bevy of spiritual subject experts will provide an entire life plan and toolbox for refreshing your life. Life can be complicated and our mission at ReFresh is to support your personal journey, as you take the steps to lay out a proven roadmap for living your best life!