Self Care While Sheltering in Place
We have been gifted precious time
ReFresh hopes these 12 activities done daily will keep you focused and nourished.
This is a time to create new patterns, schedules, routines and to put our ReFresh tools to work.
Elevate your stay at home by finding time daily to engage in these activities.
- MOVE your body! Exercise, walk, dance, online yoga, just jump.
- RECONNECT with who/what you’re grateful for, make a gratitude list.
- COOK nourishing foods using new recipes. Get lots of hydration.
- SCHEDULE down time without any screens or devices.
- SUNSHINE or rain – go outside & let the elements touch your face.
- GET LOST in something you love creating – handwork.
- CONNECT with people. Call family and friends.
- SLEEP as desired. Get as much rest and relaxation as possible.
- SPIRITUAL practice of any kind can help you find peace & serenity.
- DECLUTTER & donate items, clean out drawers and closets.
- MUSIC soothes the soul! Pick a genre, listen w/ headphones, dance!
- LAUGH at funny movies, memes, & jokes. Get out of your head!